Thursday, January 6, 2011

Well lthis is new...

Athan has his dental work done tomorrow. Just a few fillings, but it has to be done at the hospital to monitor heart and endo stuff.

This has been a new experience for us. In Kentucky, all of his procedures, whatever the specialty, were done either at UK or down the road at Central Baptist. Most of his docs knew each other, and all of his records were in the same computer system. Getting instructions for Athans care before, during, and after surgery seemed pretty easy.

Not this time. The dentist is a local independent practitioner, the pediatrician is part of a local practice, and the local Hospital is host for the day surgery. Meanwhile, Athan needs input from Cardio and Endo which are through Cook's Children's in Ft. Worth. Every doc and nurse and staff member is overbooked and overworked, it seems. We can't get calls (or faxes or e-mails or sing-o-grams) from specialists for pre- and post-op care, and we can't STOP getting calls from people who want the money first and NOW.

Ugh. I think most of the wrinkles have been ironed out, hurdles jumped over, and hoops jumped through. Tomorrow we will head up there at 7, have surgery at 8:30, and hope to be home by noon or 1.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry tht the eye surgery had to be posponed, but so glad it will be done the safest way. We will pray for all to go well.
Love you