Monday, March 7, 2011

i know, i know

I haven't been writing. I'm sorry. Among other things, my brain has been swimming with the info in the video below. Meanwhile, the Good Ship Strebeck is sailing along nicely. Specifics soon. (Thanks to Cindy and JD for the link to this vid.)


Mendi said...

Thanks for sharing video. We are struggling with the "system" and not sure what the solutions are available. Would love to hear any thoughts you have on the topic.

Kyle said...

An interesting video; I enjoyed it. I do believe that our kids have lost the ability to give attention and focus their creativity/imagination on any one subject. I am wondering if this is not an epidemic given the pervasiveness of our integrating ourselves with our creation (technology)? So perhaps its not that ADHD is not pervasive but rather is the symptom of a social phenomenon of our losing ourselves to the complexities of constant entertainment. My guess is that ADHD exists, is both over and under diagnosed, and has been created by our ignorant pursuit of constant stimulation.