Monday, October 15, 2007

Physical Therapy Progress


The above video is a short clip from Athan's physical therapy appointment today. (if you'd like to watch more, there will be a longer segment below) The little guy is really getting stronger and becoming more active. His head control has been the main area of emphasis since that must be in place before other important milestones can be reached (sitting up, crawling, etc). It was not long ago that Athan couldn't hold his head up at all. That reality makes today's "workout" quite an impressive feat as far as we are concerned! Our PT has been wonderful and Athan has had good days and bad days as far as his cooperation. Most of them have been really good though, and we have rejoiced at his progress. Whatever our PT teaches him/us we try to repeat throughout the week, and it's fun to see him work and get stronger...little by little. The above mentioned PT is featured in today's video, along with her lovely daughter - who is a great helper with exercises and with entertaining Morgan!

I was speechless.


Anonymous said...

Amber, I am so glad to see that head up. It is prayer answered. He is looking really good.

chad said...

This is awesome. I can't even imagine how excited ya'll are.

I had a great time talking with the two of you yesterday morning.

Anonymous said...

GOOOOO ATHAN!!!!! Loved the "growling", next it will be truck noises & grunting when he sees power tools... :)

Denise Christian

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the a man in a week or so... And morgan and amber...

The hairy one? Not so much... The kiddos and the sister? Ohhh yeah

Anonymous said...

Oh how precious! We rejoice with you that God is good and Mr. Cutie seems to definately be headed in the right direction! You all are still in our thoughts and prayers and hope to see you over the holidays! Love you! Christi