Monday, October 29, 2007


In addition to physical therapy, Athan is seeing a therapist from VIPS (Visually Impaired Preschool Services). Honestly, we are not sure whether Athan's vision has been affected or not. He is a little behind on tracking objects, but that may be due to his lack of head control and muscle tone rather than his eyes.

Amanda is the therapist that sees Athan, and she was here this morning. The session went well, but Athan did seem a little tired.

I just thought I had better post an update before I forgot. We focus so much on his physical therapy that I forget to post about VIPS.

Laurie will be here this afternoon for PT, and we go back to UK tomorrow to see Dr. Irene (his endocrinologist). I'll let you know how it all goes.

Oh - and Morgan slept for 11 hours last night, and she has not had an accident in a couple of days. Yeah! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, Josh was telling us about Athan last night and I thought I'd tell you our daughter Jessica was Hypotonic, aka a Floppy Baby. She didn't have problems with head control. She just sat and didn't care to pull up or stand. After much hospital testing and the diagnosis, we took her to physical therapy for a while. She began walking at 21 months, but the funny thing is she never staggered and fell. One day she just got up and walked around the house and never fell! We got her in ballet when she was 3 to keep her muscles working, but she never had a problem since. Just thought I'd throw that out to you to give you hope. Jane McCallister, Josh's Mom