Friday, March 12, 2010

correction :)

Given how well his procedure went, they gave us the option of admitting for observation or going home.

We're going home. :) We feel confident that we can monitor what we need to, and he'll rest better at home.

Hopefully we'll be discharged soon. I'll post whenever we're awake today.


Unknown said...

Whew! You just never know with this little guy! Hope you all get some rest today and he feels better soon!!

Sarah said...

I am glad Athan is doing better. Hopefully you can rest today and this weekend. I admire your strength in these situations. I worry over ear infections, which is so small in comparison. Praying for Athan:)

Meredith Brooks said...

Praying for the little guy! I'm glad things worked themselves out with the enema, but I'm so sorry Athan was in so much pain!

Selena said...

OHHHHH, I want to hold him!