Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Athan slept!! (and Ryan probably didn't)

After toying with many of the factors that may have been contributing to his sleepless nights, I decided to try and switch his once-a-day dose of Genotropin (growth hormone) from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. It worked. Apparently, the further he gets from that medicine, the better he sleeps. I think this is newly manifesting because we recently got off of his phenobarbitol. Up until two weeks ago, he was getting a sedating medication every time he got growth hormone. I think we're seeing some new side effects that were "hidden" by the extra med.

So this morning I gave the growth hormone at 6 a.m., and he didn't nap well until after noon. Still, it is better for him and for me that we both slept well last night.

Morgan got to be a radio star this morning. Her Grammy does a weekly radio appearance for the coffee shop, and Morgan got to go with her and make her very first public performance. I believe she said "Go Wildcats, go Uncle Layne!"

Ryan is back in the U.S., but he was too late to get a boarding pass for his connecting flight out of JFK. I'll post again when I hear from him about the next step.

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