Friday, February 13, 2009

eyes, OT, and PT

Well, we went to UK eye clinic again. We waited over 2 hours again. Ugh.

But I like Dr. Napier. She didn't jump immediately to surgery, but it looks like Athan's eyes will need surgical correction. His eyes both turn in pretty dramatically. So sometime in the next couple of months, probably...

Also, we met Emily this morning, who is an Occupational Therapist with First Steps. She did an eval and had some great news. She reports that Athan shows to be age-appropriate on many of the skills he should have right now. Yeah! She will probably come visit with us once or twice a month and teach us some exercises and activities to help with several areas of development.

And we had another GREAT session today with Laurie. Athan worked so hard! We still have to substantially stabalize his hips for him, but he did most of the work in cruising the length of our couch and back (in pursuit of a balloon). He is still getting up from lying to sitting by himself (video soon, promise), and is starting to learn things like getting onto his knees before pulling to stand and bending his knees to sit back down... Just lots of new things that seem to be "clicking" for him a bit better.

Sososo proud of our kiddo!

1 comment:

Kelly Efurd Lawson said...

Sorry about the eye surgery-- boo.

But SOOOOOOOOOO excited about all the new tricks! Woopee!!

Can't wait to see videos. :)