Sunday, May 24, 2009

best dad ever

Ryan has taken care of Athan's surgical site and med schedule during this recovery, and I'm so thankful. Something about this procedure has made me more emotional than I expected. Maybe I'm just mad the poor kid has to go through one more difficult thing. I don't know. But my steady and faithful husband has taken care of us both the past couple of days, and I'm thankful.

Athan is doing well. He was actually in a hilariously good mood this evening - parroting Morgan for whole sentences, laughing at Mama, talking to lots of imaginary people on imaginary phones. His surgery site looks better and better. He's on less and less of the pain med, and seems to be fine on the lower dose. We're back to normal dose of other meds. He's sleeping well (we have to wake him to make sure we change his diaper frequently enough, though).

I haven't talked about poo in a while, but it is now a prayer reqest: We need Athan to poop soon. His usual struggle with constipation is probably compounded by the anesthesia and pain meds, so that's the next big step in being healthy post-op.


Anonymous said...

Athan bounces back from all his medical issues better than any kid on earth. Bless his little soul. He's a special guy. Chris' birthday is the 27th and I seem to remember Athan's is 1 day away from Chris', so Happy Birthday to Athan!

Jane Mc

Harvey's said...


You're my to Athan of course. Hope the little guy's feeling better!

Anonymous said...

I haven't read in several days...missed alot. Love and prayers.