Friday, May 1, 2009


Athan's sugar dove dangerously low today, and we ended up having to give him the IM shot of Cortef again to help him rebound.

He was sitting in a chair, awake and alert, watching a cartoon with Morgan. It makes me a little nervous that he was not symptomatic nor had he thrown up in a while. I just decided to check his sugars just in case. 47. Recheck to make sure it wasn't a mistake - 45. Normal is 70-120.

So I grabbed Ryan from outside to prepare the IM dose while I fed him some banana and juice. Within minutes, he was back to a 71. He's resting now, but somewhat fitfully due to the big dose of Cortef.

We'll keep a close watch in him tonight, which probably means sleeping in shifts, if much at all. We've checked with endocrinology, and Dr. Smith (on-call) said we were doing the right things. We've called John (pharmacist) to re-order the IM medicine, but what we have on-hand is good for 3 days and will work if we need to give him another shot soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH darn!! I thought he was in the clear!! At least there was no quick trip to the ER!!! Hope to see y'all on Monday!