Friday, August 14, 2009

OT and PT and PT to the rescue! :)

Occupation therapy this morning with Ms. Emily. They actually sat outside and did therapy in the shade so I could get some work done out there. He did pretty well for her this morning. Emily has been so good for him. It frees Laurie up to focus more on mobility while Emily does more upper-body strength and fine motor work with him. Can't say how glad we are that she's around. :) It is so encouraging to hear her feedback. She's just dang good at her job, and fun to be with.

And then our sweet Laurie came this afternoon. Athan was back to being Captian Crank, and Morgan was wound up all over again. I think today she was MY therapist and not Athan's. :) She let me blabber all during Athan's workout about my rough day. Then she, being off the clock and back to 'friend' status :), took both kids with her to her house while I got a (MUCH needed) shower. Then I went over there, too, and they fed us dinner (bourbon sauce on chicken over rice with yummy veggies and a Brazilian desert I can't spell - Yum). It restored some of my sanity to be with them tonight. Jordan (age 12) is now officially named "buddy" by Athan. She and her sweet friends played with my 2 while I talked with adults. Whew...

I think both of mine are finally asleep. I'm going to crash myself. Night all.

1 comment:

Courtney Faulk said...

I'm here... and absolutely loving the chance to catch up on all the new news from Wilmore! Congratulations on braces and crawling and pre-school and 8 years!

Love ya much!