Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dr. Irene today

We went back to see Dr. Irene, Athan's endocrinologist, today. As always, she was her cheerful, helpful self! :) Aside from the usual check-up and blood work (yuk), Dr. Irene helped us iron out some of the logistics of taking care of his endo stuff during his cardio stuff ahead.

For example, his heart cath next Tuesday: We have to triple-dose his Cortef the day before, during, and after. Also, because he has to fast after midnight the day of the procedure (Tuesday), she decided it would be best for Athan to be admitted to the pediatric floor at the hospital Monday evening so we can monitor his blood sugar and give him IV dextrose if we need to while he is NPO (fasting). So we will be heading up to UK Monday evening (around 8) to check in, he will start fasting at midnight, his cath is scheduled for 8 a.m., the procedure takes about 2 hours, then after 4 or 5 hours recovery, we can go home.

1 comment:

Meredith Brooks said...

If you want to get dinner in Lexington before checking in at UK, let me know. I will probably be at the office until 7 or 8 anyways! And of course, if you need anything at all on Tuesday, let me know!