Monday, February 18, 2008

to the hospital

We're heading into Lex in about an hour or so. We'll eat, then be admitted to the pediatric floor at 8 p.m. After we get all settled in, Ryan will head back out here to put Morgan to bed. I'll stay with Athan tonight, and Ryan will be back first thing in the morning to go with us over to the heart building for his cath. I'm taking the computer, so I'll try to post again after we get settled in at the hospital tonight.

Oh - Athan had a great day of physical therapy today. He worked really hard on his back and a little with his arms. I wish I could have captured the way he was imitating Laurie chewing her gum! He even remembered the gum from last appointment, and he kept "chewing" and looking at her mouth, so she made a special trip to her car to get gum and keep him entertained. So funny! :) We'll see Laurie again on Wednesday for our planning meeting, and Friday for his therapy.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for my Athan. You tell him Aunt Karen loves him (and Morgan, too!) I'm praying for you and Ryan, too.

Anonymous said...

I have had you all on my heart and mind for the past few days. Just know that you all are in our thoughts and prayer and we will be lifting you all up tonight and tomorrow! Love you! Christi