Thursday, February 21, 2008

saw Dr. Coburn this a.m.

After speaking to the cardiologists yesterday, we decided it was best just to see Athan's pediatrician. Dr. Coburn worked us in this morning. Athan has bronchiolitis (bronchitis for babies, kinda). He gave us meds (antibiotic and some stuff to break up the congestion in his chest), so we'll get those in him next time he eats.

The good news is that this is an upper respiratory infection. If the infection was in his lower respiratory system, he would probably have to be hospitalized because of what that kind of infection can do with his heart condition. Hopefully the meds will prevent it from spreading.

I also have a call into Dr. Irene to see how we should adjust his endo medications in light of his recent cath and his current illness. We should have all the dosages worked out and in him in a couple hours.

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