Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dr. Coburn and Dr. Bay

Athan had a couple appointments this week. First, we had the 18-month check-up with his pediatrician, Dr. Coburn. He is doing well. We got some butt medicine for stubborn diaper rash, and caught up on Athan's over-all development and status with his various other specialists. Aside from his gross motor skills (like not crawling or walking), Athan seems to be doing well in all other areas of development. They're also going to refer us to a new optho person, so we'll probably have an eye update soon.

Ryan took him in to UK this morning to see the geneticist, Dr. Bay. It went fine. She had some advice about how to keep his caloric intake high and combat the constipation at the same time. They also had the lab draw some blood to do some further testing that has become available since we saw them last. It may not be any more conclusive than the others have been, but it might give us some helpful information about keeping Athan healthy. It was difficult to hear a geneticist refer to our Athan as one of "our kids," but also encouraging to hear her be pleasantly surprised at how smart he seems to be.


Alana said...

I'm sure that you've heard every old home remedy for constipation, but here is another one that I just heard from my mother-in-law that worked for my niece recently....try giving him a teaspoon of Karo syrup - it might be worth a try...

Langwell Family said...

It is good to hear the great news. He seems to be doing really well. (I don't know if I told you this, but Matthew was almost 16 months old when he started walking, he had no interest in it.) Also, I wanted to see if I could connect you with another mom who is struggling with a daughter with health issues after a choking incident. Her blog is
We are still praying for your family. Miss you guys!