Saturday, December 13, 2008

more fluids, more fussy, more sleep

Athan woke up just after I posted last. We moved to a different room (we were sharing before, now we have our own room), and he drank some more apple juice. He was super fussy for a while, and I couldn't tell why. Then Dad and Morgan came for a short visit (and brought me dinner), and it was Dad to the rescue! He patted Athan for a bit and he let out a monster belch, then went to sleep. Whew...

No real updates aside from that. We're still just trying to find out why his tummy hurts. May have been the antibiotic he was on for his earache, so we've stopped that med (his ear is fine now). May be a virus (reported to be going around). Maybe something else... We won't be going home until we are sure he will eat and drink enough to keep his meds down and his sugars up once we get home.

Again, thanks for praying. I suspect we'll be awake some tonight. I'll probably post again in a few hours.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ambie,

We don't want to bug you by calling in case YOU get to sleep a little, too. Know we're watching the blog and praying for you all. Love,
Cindy and the rest of the Venables

Anonymous said...

Ok, so we ARE getting internet (miracle). We will keep reading to get updated. Meanwhile, prayers, of course, are happening. Anything else we can do? We'll be in Lex tomorrow for church so could bring something by the hospital if that would help.

amy wright said...

I just read all that is going on and want you to know that I'm praying for Athan. Poor guy.

Josh and Candace McCallister said...

McCallisters are standing with ya.