Wednesday, September 12, 2007

tough day

Athan has not been feeling well at all, which is why I have not been able to post for a while. His reflux has been terrible, and he is having some trouble pooping. He also has had a fever for about 24 hours, so he didn't eat or rest well during that time. Better now, though. The fever is gone.

Good news: we get to stop the enalapril. I think it has been causing the same problems as the captopril did, and his cardiologist told us yesterday that we can stop giving it to him. Next time we see cardio, he may adjust the dosage of the 2 other heart meds Athan is on, but I think that will be much better. He has never had any adverse reaction to the other meds.

Ryan stayed home from class to help with Athan today, and Hannah kept Morgan from mid-morning until nap time. I got some sleep this morning, and Ryan caught a nap this afternoon, but someone has been holding Athan for almost every hour of the last 24+. Tonight may be another long one. I need your prayers for stamina, and the ability to remember at 3 a.m. that I will get to sleep someday.

1 comment:

Meredith Brooks said...

So sorry things have been rough - let us know if there is anything at all we can do. We're always up for entertaining Morgan with Emma! = )