Saturday, August 25, 2007

any suggestions? :)

Well, Morgan had a great few nights where she was staying in bed and resting well through the night. And then...

Last night our friends Alan and Sarah were here watching a baseball game with us. I thought I heard some rustling upstairs, but I wasn't sure if it was Morgan or our neighbors (hard to tell in apartments, ya know?). I talked for a little bit longer, thinking Morgan would come downstairs like she usually does if she's up. Then I headed upstairs.

It was Morgan. AND I had left the door to our room open, which I rarely do after she is asleep. She left her room, went into ours, stripped clothes and diaper off, climbed on top of the changing table, and proceeded to cover herself in A&D ointment (after she tossed all the push-pins from the cork board onto the floor, which I almost stepped on before I realized the extent of the damage). I don't know if you've used A&D, but it's super greasy diaper rash ointment. She looked like she was oiling up for a body building competition. It was all over every inch of skin she could reach, and in her hair. Then she could not figure out how to get down quickly enough, so as soon as I topped the stairs, she asked "Did Morgan go tee-tee on Baby Afan's changing table?"

What can you do except smile and clean up? Especially since it was my fault for not keeping the door closed or getting upstairs quickly enough. So I put her in the tub (at 10 o'clock), and we washed and washed and washed. Baby soap. Regular soap. Dish soap. Twice each. She was still oily when I got her out (after 3 baths).


So this morning, she's better. She's absorbed all the oily gunk into her skin. The issue is hair. I washed her hair 3 times, and it is still FULL of grease this morning. Any helpful tips (besides "lather, rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat..")?


Cindy said...

Oh wow! You know, commercials for Dawn dishwashing liquid brag about cleaning up animals after oil spills! Surely....

Anonymous said...

You're probably just going to have to give it time!!!:>) I will look in my great "Remidies Mom's Will Need Book," and let you know! I have a feeling Landry and Morgan would make a great pair. Last fall, while in Bobby's care while he was trying to watch a Dallas Cowboys football game, Landry got a hold of a BLACK SHARPIE MARKER. Much like your discovery, he had spend the few minutes of his "alone time" coloring his face, chest, arms, hands, legs and feet. And if he were in a coloring contest, he would have been certain to win. I was so upset....SHARPIE??? But when he saw me, and figured he better start doing some explaining....he simply said, "Don't pank me Monny, I am PiderMan!" What can you do, but laugh and hug them? In our situation, for the next week everytime he took a bath the water would turn purple, but Spidy wasn't gone for a good week or so! So just take lots of pictures, and just know that you have been blessed with a spirited little gal, who likes to give you plenty to write about if your should ever decide to scrapbook!:>)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure now that it's Monday you've gotten most of the greasiness out of Morgan's hair. If not, try baking soda.

Jeremy said...

That is hilarious! I love it. I love how no matter how many questions Morgan poses, the answer is always YES. (YES, Morgan DID pee all over baby Afan's changing table!)

Uncle Jer

Unknown said...

That's a great story guys. I can just picture her all greasy and innocent looking. Ahhh, that's great!!!

Anonymous said...

Once I used bees way to dred up my hair, then it was time to take that out, and we used baby oil (which worked.) But getting the oil out was trouble - we did use dish soap and that worked great, but that was after several days of repeating the shampoo. I'm not much for hygene.
-The fats