Monday, July 30, 2007

may we ask again?

We need prayer. You all have upheld us so well these past couple of months, and we remain so thankful. Because of the power and effectiveness of your prayers, I'm asking again:

I think the word that encompasses this prayer request is this: rhythms. We need to establish healthy rhythms for our family. The initial trauma is over, and the adrenaline rush that came with it is fading. Fatigue and inconsistency is beginning to take it's toll on all of us.

Athan is moving toward a regular routine, and we ask you continue to pray for that for him.

Morgan, also, is showing the effects of 2 months of almost no consistency. Would you pray for her to be able to return to patterns of eating/sleeping/playing that are best for a toddler?

For Ryan and I, I ask for rest and wisdom. Rest we need to be able to care for or kiddos well, and especially as we look ahead to school starting for Ryan again in a few weeks. Wisdom, also, about how to make good decisions about taking care of ourselves, relationships, our responsibilities. Right now almost every right decision for Athan seems like the wrong one for Morgan, and vice versa. We need some insight for resolving that tension.

I'm a sprinter by nature. I'm confident that I can do anything - for a little while. But when I look at the marathon ahead, I get a bit intimidated. Panicky, sometimes. But when you pray, my panic subsides and clarity comes. My resolve returns. I need that today.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if this helps, but when I look at a tense and hectic time, I think of how fast time flies, and how it will not be long until things fall into place. God never fails to line things out, and sometimes the best way for me to get through it is just to know that before I know it, all will be well. Anther word of advice would be that time does fly, and those tiny memories of Athan and Morgan will go so fast. Sometimes, it is good to stop worrying about how to schedule, and just enjoy your precious kiddos. It will make your day brighter, your kiddos day brighter, and elminate some of the stress involved with all of the remaining chaos. Love you all and you are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for Athan and all of your family. Our bible study group prays, our reunion group prays, my family prays and your mother (selena) and i pray every morning. You are continually being lifted up by someone. Keep continuing to put your trust in the Lord and He will guide you in all of your decisions. Much of what you are experiencing is just normal for a second child in the home with a toddler. While I love schedules, I also learned to be flexible when my kids were little. Hang in there, get rest when you can and know that we are lifting you up.
Love you guys-Sherry Best