Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day

Athan got lots of loving today from Uncle Brent and Aunt Jenn, Uncle Jordan, Nana, and Papa. They headed out just a few hours ago to get back home. Grammy is here to help us for a few days while we figure out our new routine.

Today being the day to celebrate Dads, I just have to brag on the one that lives here. Ryan is such a good daddy. Already, he has been the Dad Athan needed for this rocky start he's had. And he is so good with Morgan, helping her have good tools to deal with the frustrations of transition from "only child" to "big sister."

And I write today to ask for your prayers for that transition for all of us. Morgan gets pretty stressed out when Mama has to take care of Baby Athan. It's normal, and Ryan and I are just asking for the wisdom to help her deal with the frustration in a good way. Frustrations or no, it is so good to have our girl home with us again! :)

Happy Fathers Day.


Unknown said...

I believe in you too, Ryan...

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day, Ryan. What a joy to have both of your children home with you! They are so lucky to have you as a father. I got to meet Morgan last week when she was staying with Aunt Loy; she is a doll.
Not only have you influenced your own family, but you have also touched countless other young people through your ministry. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Amy Cook